FNQ Bus Lines Pty Ltd operates 17 School Bus Services from Hope Vale in the North to Cairns in the South with over 800 school children travelling daily.
School Services Timetables - (Go to list of School Transport Services\Timetables).

We are committed to a driver training program concentrating on safety, Code of Conduct and a high level of professionalism for all our drivers. All of our drivers must hold a valid Queensland Industry (Drivers) Authorisation which requires ongoing criminal history checks and medical clearance.
New students wishing to travel must contact the FNQ Bus Lines office on (07) 4098 2380 prior to travelling to complete the appropriate paper work and to apply to travel.
Based on the Eligibility Criteria set by Queensland Transport guidelines, some students are not eligible to travel free of charge and must pay the appropriate fare to travel. (Go to Non-Eligible Students - Fare Paying)

Based on your registered home address and the school your child is enrolled in, travel on our school transport services may be covered by the School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS) which provides assistance to enable eligible school students to attend education facilities.
A School Transport Assistance Scheme(STAS) application must be completed to apply for Bus Travel on this service. Applications are now done online, please see link below:
For any technical assitance please contact the STAS Digital Help Desk on: 1300 119 289
Alternatively the FNQ Bus Lines office can be contacted between 8.30am - 4.30 pm Monday to Friday on 07 4068 2380
Further to this an FNQ Bus Lines Eligible Student Travel Application form must be completed which is only available from the FNQ Bus Lines office or you can print this via this link: HERE
Both completed application forms must be forwarded to FNQ Bus Lines (and not Queensland Transport) for approval and submission. Eligibility for STAS is dependent on the applicant meeting all relevant criteria of the scheme. The distance criteria must be met and the student must travel on the designated service for the area in which they reside in order to qualify for government funded travel. This assistance cannot be transferred to another operator. Other general conditions must also be met before assistance can be approved. Full details can be found at www.translink.com.au/schooltransport
Students may be eligible for assistance under STAS if they:
- have parents/guardians who are residents of Queensland
- attend an approved school on a full-time basis
- are younger than 19 years of age
- are seeking transport assistance to and from one address only
- are travelling more than 2 trips per week.
If your application is unsuccessful, you will be advised by FNQ Bus Lines and Queensland Transport.
Student Bus Passes
Eligible students will be issued with an FNQ Bus Lines Bus Pass following confirmation from Queensland Transport.
As a condition of travel, every student MUST present a valid bus pass when boarding the bus.
FNQ Bus Lines drivers will ask every student, every day, to present a bus pass. Holding and presenting a valid bus pass is not optional; it is a requirement for eligible travellers to travel without paying a fare.
Please note:
- Bus passes show the students name, school of enrolment and eligible bus route.
- Bus Passes are non-transferable and are only valid to one assigned run and one student.
- FNQ Bus Lines issue the first card at no cost, however lost or damaged cards will incur a $12.00 replacement fee (cost subject to change without notice)
- Change of school or change of home address will require a new BTA application and FNQ Bus lines Eligible Student Travel Application to be completed.

Please contact the office for fare prices.
Purchasing Fares
One off fares must be purchased on the vehicle at the time of travel.
Regular fare payers must pre-purchase a Multi-ride Pass. Multi-ride Passes are available in 10 or 20 ride options and are offered at a discounted rate.
Multi-ride Passes may be purchased over the telephone using a credit card (Visa\Mastercard) by calling FNQ Bus Lines on (07) 4098 2380 during office hours. Alternatively you can purchase these over the counter at the FNQ Bus Lines office during office hours or make the payment via direct deposit to our bank account.
Please note:
- Fares are set by Queensland Transport.
- Eligible students are guaranteed a seat on their designated service, however fare paying students are not guaranteed a seat. Therefore if a bus service is full, the fare paying student may be refused travel.
- Multi-ride Passes are non-fundable and non-transferable.
- Lost or damaged Multi-ride Passes will not be reimbursed or reissued.
- Queensland Transport Code of conduct must be adhered to at all times. Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct
All students must abide by the Code of Conduct as set by Queensland Transport
Please review the Code of Conduct for Students and Parents at this link: https://translink.com.au/travel-with-us/school-travel/getting-to-and-from-school/code-of-conduct
FNQ Bus Lines also have strict behavioural guidelines all students must adhere to:
- Students are required to be at the designated pick-up point (bus stop) at least 5 minutes before the scheduled departure time. (The bus cannot be delayed at any point waiting for late students).
- No food or drink to be consumed on buses.
- All students are required to wear the fitted seatbelts for the duration of travel. Under Australian Law Students who continuously disobey this regulation will be refused travel.
- Any students found wilfully vandalising the bus will immediately refused travel and the parents/guardians will be responsible for the full repair of the damage.
- Students may be allocated a seat by the driver as appropriate.
- Drivers may request that student’s school bags and other items be carried in the bus luggage bins.
- We do not carry bicycles, scooters, skateboards or other large items.